What is Torcular Herophili?


Torcular Herophili is a medical term that describes the meeting of three large veins in the back of the skull. The image of Torcular Herophili is printed on the right shoulder blade of each Torcular Herophili shirt. It is also seen on the opening page of our web site. The origin of the word "torcular" comes a Greek word for canal or gutter. "Herophili" is after the celebrated Greek physician/anatomist Herophilus (335 B.C.-280 B.C.).

The Torcular Herophili company was formed with the notion that we should embrace our darker side. After all, life is not all abuot butteflies and hearts. Our whole is made of many parts. And they are all equally important in shaping us into the people that we are. So the next time you look in the mirror acknowledge the fact that you may in fact be a liar, thief, or fat and ugly. But you know what, that makes you...you. And we love you for it.

We are looking forward to joining you on your journey through life and your quest for self discovery and self-honesty.



“It is easier to denature plutonium than to denature the evil spirit of man.”
Albert Einstein





























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